Download the CPU Meltdown patch for Windows 10
Download the CPU Meltdown patch for Windows 10

The patches for the Meltdown bug come as Windows updates, and you can manually download them for your Windows 10 build.
How to download the CPU Meltdown patch for Windows 10
Before anything else, make sure your Windows has the latest updates. You can do this from the System & Security section of the Settings app. Also, you will need to know if your system is 32-bit or 64-bit and your Windows 10 version.There are various ways you can get this information but the simplest one that provides all the details is to go to Settings -> System -> About.

In the About pane you can see both your system architecture and which Windows version you’re using. Now that you’re armed with the right information you can finally download the CPU Meltdown patch for Windows 10. Simply click on the link corresponding to your Windows version and download the most recent security patch.
Windows 10 Version 1709
Windows 10 Version 1703
Windows 10 Version 1607
Windows 10 Version 1511
Windows 10 Version 1507
All the patches listed above are provided by Microsoft for Windows 10 operating system. Intel hasn’t released its own patches yet but when they do, they’ll be delivered as driver updates. Sadly, some old processors might never get these updates but you should still check the official website of your computer manufacturer to see if there are any available.
These patches will only fix the Meltdown bug. The Spectre vulnerability can be fixed via a BIOS update but at least it seems to affect a smaller number of Intel chips.
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